This four-week eCourse will begin on September 3, 2013.
Roncevic has been involved with e-books and e-readers since their
emergence, and in this new eCourse she’ll give you the foundation you
need to make e-books work for your library and your career. Requiring no
prior knowledge of e-books, this eCourse will sketch in their history
while showing you how they function in libraries, exploring issues
ranging from file formats to delivery mechanisms and lending policies
and what they mean for libraries both now and in the future.
Topics include:
- Defining e-books and understanding how they work
- Where e-books are available and how are they delivered and distributed
- How e-books are used in libraries—in physical branches, digital branches, library websites, and in classrooms
- The current issues relating to e-books in libraries and what you need to know to be prepared for the future
Learning Outcomes
After completing this eCourse, you will understand:
- The basics of how e-books function and their place in the current publishing marketplace
- How e-books are currently being used in libraries, including circulation and lending policies
- The key issues that librarians are likely to face with e-books in the future
Mirela Roncevic is
an independent writer, editor and content developer recognized for
spearheading a number of initiatives in the LIS field, including the
overhaul of reference coverage in Library Journal. She has also managed publications of LIS books and newsletters and developed free online resources for librarians, including The Library Grants Center. At the forefront of the e-book revolution since its infancy, she managed Library Journal's
first e-book reviews column in 1999 and is a consultant for e-content
producers, advising them on positioning their products in libraries
while working closely with librarians. Editor of The Library Journal Guide to E-Reference Resources, she is currently authoring an issue of ALA TechSource’s Library Technology Reports on e-book platforms in libraries. Follow her on Twitter @MirelaRoncevic.
The registration fee is $175.00. Registration is available at the ALA Store:
Technical Requirements
will need regular access to a computer with an internet connection for
online message boards participation, viewing online video, listening to
streaming audio (mp3 files), and downloading and viewing PDFs and
PowerPoint files. ALA Editions eCourses are fully compatible with Windows and MacOs.
How to Register
Registration is available at the ALA Store: