12, 11:00-12:30 MT
you strive to reach low-income parents of young children with an effective
early literacy message? Please join us for this session to learn
research-based, effective strategies to reach this important audience using
knowledge from existing programs and literature, along with input from parents
themselves. Findings from the SPELL project, funded by an IMLS National
Leadership Grant, shed important light on the best times, places, and methods
for libraries and other organizations that work with families to reach and
effectively communicate with low-income parents of children ages 0-3 about
early literacy. During the session, you’ll have the opportunity to share your
own experiences with working with this audience, as well as give input into the
project as it moves forward with a blueprint of recommendations and a larger
project to test its findings. The webinar is presented by Dr. Mary Stansbury
and Dr. Duan Zhang of the University of Denver, in partnership with the
Colorado State Library. There is no registration required for this free online
join the webinar, go to