1.5 CEUs | Cost: $175 Dec 1-28
Marketing in the 21st century is a course designed for MLS candidates,
graduates, librarians and paraprofessionals who are charged with
creating marketing and promotions plans. It will highlight the overall
importance of using marketing and promotions to increase awareness of
our services and our profession. Far too often today, people say our
profession is dying. This course teaches its participants that marketing
and promotions can help us better serve our patrons in the 21st
century, while improving awareness and regard for our profession.
Learning aids include several user-friendly tools and resources
(checklists, diagrams, outlines) that beginners can use to create a
marketing plan. Participants will use basic project management
principles to help them manage creating and implementing a simple
starter marketing plan. Practical examples of such will be included.
Additionally, there will be assigned readings and web-extras for them to
In a final project(s), participants will create a guiding mission
statement, plan of action (hitting on project management applications)
and list of promotional activities for implementation in their library.