Tuesday, April 1, 2014

June: Teams Without Tears: Managing Teamwork from Above and Within (Library Juice Academy)

Dates: June 2-27, 2014
Credits: 1.5 CEUs
Price: $175

Libraries and professional organizations commonly use committees and teams to manage projects, yet all too often promising initiatives flounder or fizzle because team ground rules, expectations, and timelines aren’t articulated from the get-go. Incorporating self-management principles can help you and your group move past inaction and towards a more productive and efficient working relationship. In this four-week class, we will look at some of the literature on team productivity, draft realistic work plans and timelines, and discuss techniques for navigating interpersonal conflict, articulating individual responsibilities, and incorporating rolling assessments in order to stay on track and bring projects in on time. This workshop is designed so that team members and leaders alike receive the tools and space necessary to navigate and explore the nitty-gritty of working together successfully, whether success means managing up, managing laterally, or managing down, in order to achieve a shared goal.