Friday, June 20, 2014

Aug: Multi-Method Delivery: Managing Various Audiences at the Same Time (InSync)

Aug 19, 2014
Meets 1:00 PM-2:00 PM  EST

With today’s globally dispersed workforce, organizations are seeking opportunities to maximize resources and minimize cost. Employee training and development is one of the areas where organizations can benefit from today’s technology, enabling them to reach learners on a global scale. By linking their traditional classrooms with virtual participants, organizations can reduce travel costs while maximizing, and even accelerating, the learning potential of their organization. It’s important, however, that organizations understand the potential pitfalls associated with implementing a virtual synchronous training or multi-method delivery initiative. It is not as simple as placing a webcam and microphone in a traditional classroom and hoping that the participants on the other side of the computer will learn. Multi-method delivery seeks to combine the best of the traditional, instructor-led classroom with the virtual synchronous classroom into a highly interactive and engaging experience for both groups of participants. In this session we will explore the benefits, challenges and best practices of implementing a multi-method delivery program.