June 19 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. (Eastern).
If you are an accidental government information librarian or an
accidental manager, have you thought about an emergency plan for your
library or department? Planning for emergencies is critical to protect
collections and equipment but most importantly, people’s lives. This
webinar will cover the basics of what emergencies to plan for, and how
to begin formulating a plan. Much information will be provided about
resources for planning and a variety of planning tools from which to
choose, as well as what to do after you make a plan. This is NOT about
preservation—the presenter will not cover what to do with wet books.
Instead this is about planning for emergencies broadly. (This
presentation was first given to the national network of EPA libraries in
March 2014.)
Michele Hayslett has worked as a librarian for almost fourteen years
but had no prior experience with emergency preparedness before becoming
one of the co-chairs of her library’s Emergency Preparedness Committee
in 2011. In that capacity she has learned how far thoughtful reflection
and good communication can go in creating a safer environment for staff
and patrons. In the last two years she has led two strategic
discussions of emergency situations among library staff and
administrators (“table-top” discussions), organized a “live” practical
exercise in the library with emergency responders, and arranged multiple
training opportunities for staff on various topics such as emergency
prevention, recognizing stressed students and CPR training.
We will meet together for Session #37, online on June 19 from 12:00 –
1:00 p.m. (Eastern). Please RSVP for the Session by June 19 at 10:00 am
using this link: http://tinyurl.com/grs-session37.