Monday, August 18, 2014

Oct-Nov: Reaching Every Patron: Creating and Presenting Inclusive Outreach to Patrons of all Abilities (RUSA)

October 6 - November 2, 2014

Every library can serve as a places for people to find encouragement, comfort and books that serve as good company. Unfortunately, patrons with special needs often don't feel welcome in these spaces and can have trouble relating to libraries where their needs are not met. This course will discuss methods for reaching patrons with special needs in your community and how to help staff and your community create an inclusive environment. This course will also provide tools for defining your success when doing outreach to patrons of all abilities. Students will leave this course with a set of tools that can be used to establish outreach in their communities, create their own unique outreach programs and assist staff in working with patrons with special needs.

$150 for RUSA members
$195 for ALA members
$230 for non-ALA members
$120 for student members and retired members