Monday, November 10, 2014

Dec: OpenStreetMaps: Trust the map that anyone can change (LITA)

Tuesday December 9, 2014, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Central Time

Part 2 of Re-Drawing the Map series.

It's been said that "the map is not the territory". But when when the most of the world's websites and mobile apps rely on maps from private corporations who selectively show you places based on who you are (and who pays for the privilege), perhaps we should cede that territory for higher ground. It's counter-intuitive to trust a map that anyone can edit, but OpenStreetMap is already the geospatial foundation of some of the world's most popular sites including Pinterest, Evernote, and github. This session will introduce you to OpenStreetMap and show you how you can both contribute to and make use of the "Wikipedia of Maps".

Single Webinar:
    LITA Member: $39  /  Non-Member: $99  /  Group: $190

All three webinars:
    LITA Member: $99  /  Non-Member: $279 / Group: $499