Monday, November 10, 2014

Jan'15: Rethinking the Book Container: Advancing the Role of the Library as Publisher (ACRL)

January 21, 2015 / 11 a.m. Pacific

The library as place and service continues to be shaped by the legacy of the book. The book itself has evolved quickly in recent years, with various technologies vying to become the next dominant book form. Identifying an effective and popular next step for the book has been an ongoing challenge for publishers, libraries, and content creators, all of whom have focused significant resources on developing new models for creating, publishing, and accessing book content.  Within this webcast, the presenters will look at the principles of eBook publishing and examine one application of the library-as-publisher model. Examine the eBook and eTextbook publishing landscape with a particular interest in the tools available to create or support long-form reading interfaces for library materials. The webcast will focus on the opportunities afforded to libraries by these new publishing tools and the new concepts and skills required to make books that are “of the web” and that work in linked data settings. The presenters will move from the theoretical to the practical by focusing discussion on a prototype “web book” from the MSU Library that employs a new method for publishing within a web browser using HTML5 and structured data to transform book content into a semantic, machine-readable and extensible platform (  Come learn with us as we investigate the power and possibility of accessible, open platforms for book content while considering the path forward for the library as publisher.

ACRL member: $50
ALA member: $75