12:00 pm to 1/29/15 1:00 pm EST
mLearning has been a
buzzword in eLearning for decades. Nearly every year, someone speculates that
the time for mLearning has finally arrived — and about just about as often we
discover that very few people actually are producing their learning content for
mobile devices. Nonetheless, the landscape is clearly changing all around us.
It’s a paradigm altering realization when you consider that all but a few
interactions with media, are with rich, screen-based media. It makes sense to
also examine the potential of mLearning to add value to learning overall. Just
as the behavior of people has changed to adapt to the presence of mobile
devices, it is also an open door to consider expanding the opportunity for
learning content because it is unhinged from the traditional office environment
and because of the additional tools that are exposed thanks to the tablet and
smartphone capabilities.