Friday, February 27, 2015

Apr'15: What is Content Marketing + Should You Be Using It at Your Library? (RUSA)

Friday, April 03, 2015: 2-3:15pm Central

This webinar is for librarians who want to know what ‘content marketing’ is, why it’s something that libraries can, and should be, taking advantage of to reach their audiences and how libraries can effectively add it to their tool kit for outreach, promotion and communications. What are the common mistakes to avoid? What are the 6 types of content every organization needs? Includes: Examples, worksheets and tools and Q&A.

$40 for RUSA members
$50 for ALA members
$65 for non-ALA members
$35 for ALA student members and retired members
Group Rates
$99 single login
$38/person multiple logins. (min. 2 people)