Monday, June 1, 2015

Jun'15: Order in the Court Records: Finding Briefs, Transcripts, and other Court Materials (No Carolina Lib Assoc)

Wednesday, June 24 (10-11 am Mountain)

Help! I’m an Accidental Government Information Librarian presents ... Order in the Court Records: Finding Briefs, Transcripts, and other Court Materials

Library patrons have many reasons to ask for help with finding court filings: from tracking the progress of a pending lawsuit, to digging up centuries-old court materials for genealogical research, and countless other academic or personal pursuits in between. The unpublished nature of many court materials can make such research very challenging for librarians. But before you refer your patrons elsewhere, hear some tips and tricks for locating court opinions, briefs, filings, and other materials related to court cases from all levels of courts in both state and federal systems.

For more information and to register for this program, visit: