An ACRL e-Learning Online Course
June 2-20, 2014
Description: The idea of a fully automated library may seem antithetical to traditional notions of user service. Libraries may struggle with balancing automation and personalized service, but this need not be an either/or proposition. Technology can be leveraged to provide outstanding, personalized user service. Explore the ways in which customer service differs in an online environment and the way in which it is the same as it has always been. Aimed at library managers with minimal technological expertise and modest budgets, this course focuses on strategies for providing outstanding service through freely available and easy to implement automated tools. We will cover how to choose tools that are a good match for your user community. Through investigatory assignments, participant interaction and readings about best practices, participants will learn about their options for improving service.
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will gain an understanding of some easy to implement tools that can improve library service.
Participants will learn to identify the digital services that are likely to be successful in their community.
Participants will learn how to maintain a personal level of service in today’s automated library.
Registration fees:
ACRL member: $135
ALA member: $175
Nonmember: $195
Student: $60