Wednesday, March 5, 2014 - 2:00 - 3:30 PM Central Time
Interested in applying UX research to your library but not sure where to start? This 90 minute webinar will introduce the concept of user experience, research planning, and practical research methods to librarians who may not have formal training in user experience research. Content of the webinar will be structured along the user-centered design process to help the audience integrate user experience research into their existing work. We will also use real-world examples from libraries.
Scope: This webinar is one in a two part series to aid librarians (specifically reference librarians) in understanding user experience design and research. This webinar will cover the general theories and concepts at the heart of what user experience design is trying to do, with ideas of where to start in terms of methods.
What is User Experience Research?
Why User Experience is good and fits into Reference Services
History of User Experience Research
How to plan your User Experience Research topic
What are my objectives?
How much time do I have?
How much money do I have?
How much people resource do I have?
Who am I presenting this to?
Is this for an existing product?
User Centered Design Process - introduction
User Experience Techniques
Interaction design
Focus groups
Contextual inquiry
Participatory design
Steps techniques
Tips or pitfalls
ROI- what is expensive to implement
Some ways to start integrating UX Research into your workflow
Approach: This webinar will take a theory and needs assessment approach. We are focusing on what librarians in public services and reference positions need to know about user experience design and research. We also see this first webinar as a moment to consider what their expected outcomes and resources they have before they start user research projects. The general question we want to answer in this first webinar is “What is it and where do I start?”
Questions with discussion and polls throughout the webinar to gauge comprehension as well as foster critical thinking (15 minutes) with 5 minutes for discussion at the end.
Learning Outcomes
Participants will be able to describe user experience research and its applications to libraries.
Participants can evaluate different methods for user experience research including surveys, web analytics, usability evaluations, and interviews.
Participants know where they can find out more or seek help.
Who Should Attend
This webinar is focused on reference librarians who interested in using usability and user experience methods to improve services at their libraries. This includes people who work on the libraries' virtual presence (web sites, mobile apps or CMS) but also people interested in improving cross channel user experience.
Registration fees:
$40 for RUSA members
$50 for ALA members
$65 for non-ALA members
$35 for ALA student members and retired members