May 21, 2014
11 a.m. Pacific (90 min)
Description: Digital Humanities, Scholarly Publishing, Open Access, Born Digital Content, the Future of the Book: Each of these topics has vast ramifications on how libraries collect, maintain, and make available information. But how do these themes impact the subject or discipline-specific library? This webcast will focus on how art libraries are responding to the transition to digital scholarly publishing and born-digital content in ways that are important to the broader scholarly community. During this live, interactive webcast, examine the following themes:
1: The Leading Edge: art and the digital humanities
2: The Bleeding Edge: archiving born-digital art content
3: The Trailing Edge: challenges of e-publishing in the arts
Presenters will illustrate how initiatives that are taking place in academic and museum art research institutions are not only innovative but can provide leadership and momentum for librarians in any field.
Registration fees:
ACRL member: $50
ALA member: $75
Nonmember: $90
Student: $40
Group*: $295