June 23 (12-1 pm Mountain)
Since the first filmstrip projector made its way into the
first classroom, standup trainers have been incorporating video into formal
instruction. Used well, it can offered points for discussion, nudged thinking
about what and why and comparison to that. It often made for good conversation
and could reach the affective domain when other approaches did not. But when we
moved to eLearning we left a lot of that behind: the video clips were uploaded,
but the rest of that experience – the talking and processing – didn’t make the
transition. With so many new avenues for delivering video online it’s a shame
that we’re not doing a better job of capturing the things a good instructor in
a good face-to-face setting can bring. This session looks at ways of correcting
that by extending the video experience to make it more social.
For more information and to register for this program,
visit: http://us.insynctraining.com/bozarth-programs/