Monday, February 23, 2015
sessions begin at 11 a.m. Pacific | 12 Mountain | 1 p.m. Central | 2 p.m. Eastern and last about an hour.
This webinar focuses on the importance of communication for technical services librarians and staff. In a single day, we may find ourselves negotiating with vendors, requesting or providing tech support, explaining new purchases to public services staff, defending budget requests to administration, and advertising new services to patrons. Each of these situations involves a different kind of communication. We will begin by identifying all the people we might need to communicate with, and the reasons for communication. With these various audiences and goals in mind, we will look at tips and tricks for effectively communicating in different scenarios.
This webinar is one of a six-part webinar series:
Feb. 18 Trends and Advancements for Library Resource Discovery
Feb. 23 Tailoring Communications to Different Audiences
Mar. 9 Workflow Maps: Tools for Insight and Enhancement
Mar. 11 Persistence: “Got yours?” Preserving Scholarship
Mar. 16 E-book Cataloging Using a Shared Mailbox
Mar. 18 Cataloging Continuing Resources in a Changing Landscape
Each Series of 6
ALCTS Member (individual) 43 206
Nonmember (individual) 59 284
International (individual) 43 206
Groups. Applies to group of people that will watch the webinar together from one access point.
Member group 99 476