Wednesday, February 18, 2015
sessions begin at 11 a.m. Pacific | 12 Mountain | 1 p.m. Central | 2 p.m. Eastern and last about an hour.
Marshall Breeding, an independent consultant, will provide an overview of the current realm of search tools that libraries provide to their communities, including index-based discovery services, socially enabled library portals, and related products. Looking beyond the current slate of products, Breeding will discuss some of areas of opportunity and possible areas of future development. Areas of interest include ways that libraries can leverage these capability of these tools beyond the confines of their own web sites to increase discoverability of library resources in other contexts such as learning management systems, community portals, and the general web.
This webinar is one of a six-part webinar series:
Feb. 18 Trends and Advancements for Library Resource Discovery
Feb. 23 Tailoring Communications to Different Audiences
Mar. 9 Workflow Maps: Tools for Insight and Enhancement
Mar. 11 Persistence: “Got yours?” Preserving Scholarship
Mar. 16 E-book Cataloging Using a Shared Mailbox
Mar. 18 Cataloging Continuing Resources in a Changing Landscape
Upon completion of this session, attendees will know basic terminology and concepts related to discovery, key features expected in discovery services, and how the creation of discovery indexes impacts use of library resources. As well as the major products available in the category of library resource discovery and how discovery services fit within the library’s overall set of tools related to providing access to resources.
Ind All 6
ALCTS Member (individual) 43 206
Nonmember (individual) 59 284
International (individual) 43 206
Groups. Applies to group of people that will watch the webinar together from one access point.
Member group 99 476