Friday, February 27, 2015

Apr-May'15: What You Need to Know about Writing Data Management Plans (ACRL)

April 27-May 15, 2015

Demand for data management plan consultants is growing as more granting agencies add this requirement. Most presentations concerning data management do not provide practical advice on how to consult with researchers writing a data management plan for grant submission. This course teaches participants about the elements of a successful data management plan, and provides practice critiquing data management plans in a supportive learning environment where no grant funding is at stake.  Join two experienced data management plan consultants with experience in liaison librarianship and information technology as they demonstrate how all librarians have the ability to successfully consult on data management plan. Each week will include assigned readings, a written lecture, discussion questions, weekly assignments, and live chats with the instructors.  

ACRL member: $135
ALA member: $175
Nonmember: $195
Student: $60