March 17 - April 11, 2014
The course is designed to introduce participants to the Understanding by Design Curriculum framework. Known as the Backward Design model, this framework is unique in that it begins with the end in mind. Rather than planning from an activity-centered focus, the school librarian first identifies the Big Ideas behind content standards. From these Big Ideas, the school librarian develops Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions to guide student inquiry. The school librarian then designs assessments that provide evidence of student learning. Finally, the school librarian designs the learning experiences.
In this course, participants will work with the three stages in the Backward Design model to build a basic understanding of the process and apply the concepts to planning units of library instruction. Designing instruction with this framework enables the school librarian to engage students in learning activities that lead to deeper understanding of content and process.
$99 for AASL members
$149 for ALA members
$225 for non-members
$99 for retired AASL members
$75 for student AASL members