Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Nov: Insights from The Machiavellian Librarian (Choice/ACRL)

Tuesday, Nov 11, 2014  /  11am-12pm Pacific

Do librarians ‘rock the boat’? Do they challenge those around them to win influence and advantage? Why is it that librarians are little found on the ‘influence’ grid of personality assessment tests? "The Machiavellian Librarian," a successful new book from the Chandos Imprint, offers real life examples of librarians who use their knowledge and skill to project influence, and turn the tide in their, and their library’s, favor. Join us for a discussion with two of the contributors to the book - Megan Hodge, author of the chapter Prince or Plebe?: Success at all Levels of the Library Hierarchy, and Laura Francabandera, author of the chapter: Mixed Monarchies: Expanding the Library’s Sphere of Influence to help Student-Athletes.